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Change the Way YOU THINK About Money!

There are 1000s (thousands) of online courses that teach you about "finance."

Richest You Mastering Money Mini-Course teaches YOU secrets that will change the way you think, feel about, understand, and make MONEY forever! 


  • How is this course structured?

    The Richest You: Mastering Money Mini-Course is designed for all students to learn at their own pace. There are a minimum of two (2) videos are per module along with quizzes, transcripts, and handouts for optimal learning and retention of information. There is a community to interact with fellow students as well as the ability to ask questions to your instructor.

  • Why is this a mini course?

    There is so much information to share that we wanted to get people started with key points and actionable steps. We present new concepts that will take time to process and implement into your life successfully. Plus, a mini-course allows us to get feedback from the students on what information they'd like to be explained further than what we have planned for the full Mastering Money course. Please note: anyone who purchases the mini-course will receive the full mini-course price as a discount for the full course when it becomes available.

  • What is your return policy?

    We have a 30-day money-back guarantee for all purchases.